The UK is on a mission to build the public services of tomorrow, with projects underway and in the pipeline for new hospitals, schools, prisons, social housing, defence estates and more, while the Government has also been working to improve digital infrastructure and extend gigabit broadband coverage across the UK.
The Public Infrastructure Stage at UKIS will host a series of sessions discussing the future projects and programmes happening across the public sector, as well as the opportunities available for organisations looking to join the supply chains.
Confirmed Speakers
New Hospital Programme
Official Event Partner

The New Hospital Programme is replacing outdated infrastructure with modern, innovative and environmentally sustainable buildings to provide top-class healthcare services and facilities for patients, staff and local communities. Digital technology will change the way healthcare is delivered in these facilities. Smart technology will reduce basic and repetitive tasks and free up time for patient care. We will also design intelligent buildings with technology that can collect and process data to, for example, optimise energy use and support more effective facilities management and security. Environmentally sustainable new buildings will be designed with patients, staff and visitors front-of-mind, so that their experiences of new facilities will be as simple and stress-free as possible. What we build will be right for the future of the NHS, rather than simply replacing what is there already. Working with NHS Trusts, government and industry, our centralised programme’s mission is to: • Help NHS trusts to provide high-quality and sustainable care for patients • Deliver intelligent hospitals • Develop national capability • Build better, build faster and build a sustainable legacy. The New Hospital Programme is going to be transformational for the health sector and set new standards for the commissioning of future social infrastructure. It is a dramatic shift from traditional ways of hospital building and will transform the way they are designed, procured and built. Rather than treating each project as a standalone scheme, we will capture opportunities to standardise design and leverage scale to maximise effectiveness and efficiency. The scale of our programme will call upon the skills and expertise of companies of all sizes, across a broad range of sectors. No matter your business we believe there’s a part for your business to play in delivering hospitals of the future. We need to bring the right individuals and businesses together to foster innovation and the deliver hospitals of the future. That’s why we’re calling upon the knowledge and experience of the widest breadth of suppliers from construction components to medical equipment and beyond. Find out more about how you could play a part in delivering hospitals of the future at
ADS Group
Official Event Partner

ADS is the UK trade association advancing leadership in aerospace, defence, security and space, to enable prosperity and clean, secure growth for our nation. Our 1300+ members are the custodians of a world-leading advanced engineering and services workforce and range from major multinational businesses with substantial UK presences, to hundreds of small and medium sized companies in every part of the country. Whether representing industry, connecting our members with business opportunities or driving forward innovation and growth, ADS is at the forefront of an array of activities, events and programmes that benefit our members. SCS - RAISING SUPPPLY CHAIN CAPABILITY: Facilitated by ADS on a not-for-profit basis, the Supply Chain Solutions Framework (SCS) enables SMEs to improve their competitive performance, highlight opportunities to invest in innovation and digitalisation, as well as helping them understand how to progress towards their sustainability goals. It is endorsed by leading primes, OEMs and the MoD.